The meeting is conducted in the ballroom of the clubhouse as follows:

  • All homeowners in good standing are invited to attend and have the opportunity to hear the accomplishments of the past year as well as an outline of the goals of the coming year the board intends to pursue.
  • The annual budget is ratified.
  • Voting may be done in person or by proxy. If voting by proxy, however, you are required to submit your completed proxy form to the Board Secretary or the Board President in advance of the meeting and by the deadline as set forth in the annual meeting notice you receive in the mail. Proxies submitted the day of the annual meeting will not be counted. This ensures the integrity of the voting process.
  • During the meeting, the floor is opened up for homeowners to express any general concerns or questions they may have.

Please note, however, that, per NC state law, the board is granted the right to restrict the amount of time spent in receiving open discussion from the floor and in no way is a reflection on the value of your voice because time is limited.

(Contact your state representative if you feel this procedural norm regarding the restriction of time for open discussion should be changed. Your Representative will advise you on appropriate lobbying activities to enact any official changes to this law. Should any changes be enacted, the board will gladly comply.)